Welcome to Schoolstart 17. august 2023
We are delighted that you have chosen to be a student at Cissi Klein Upper Secondary School. We will do everything we can to ensure that you thrive at school and at the same time learn a lot during your years with us.
Many of you will be new students at our school and together we will use the first few days to get to know the school, fellow students and staff better. Here's a look at what your first days at school will be like:
Wednesday 16 August at 16:00 - The day before the day
Do you live in a dorm room, or are you just a little curious and excited before school starts? The student service invites you to socialize, pizza and a tour of the school on Wednesday 16 August at 16:00. Register here by Tuesday 16. August (Ps.: It is allowed to bring a friend or guardian).
Thursday 17. August - First day of school
Students in Vg1, G4/preparatory courses and 6pack: Meet at 10.00 Students in Vg2, Vg3, Vg4 (PB): Meet at 11.00
You meet up at the school - in the main entrance located inside the schoolyard towards Saupstadsenteret. There we are, welcoming you. You are welcomed, meet the class and your contact teacher and get to know the school and the other teachers. You can bring a packed lunch or use our cafeteria. The school day ends at 14:00.
Friday 18. August - 09:00
You will meet staff at the school in the main entrance. This day will be given information about all the practicalities you need to know in connection with the start of school. We'd also love to hear how you want to feel at school – we're going to be a school where student voice is important to how we do things. The school day ends at 14:00
Monday 21. August - 08:15
You will show up at the classroom listed on your schedule. During the day, you will meet the teachers you have in the various subjects. The school day ends when the schedule dictates.
A warm welcome as a student at Cissi Klein Upper Secondary School.
Greetings from headmaster Elisabeth